Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fate, Destiny, or sheer idiocy?

i have often heard mention of fate. it is such an interesting concept, that it was even made a full-fledged character in a famous book about an IITians love story (anything for you ma'am)... and just as often i have heard of destiny, and how different the two are from each other, and whether there is indeed a difference or not.
to clear up matters, i suppose i ought to define the two terms..
FATE is when you go smoke a cigarette in your room, and forget to switch on the exhaust, hence getting caught by your dad.
DESTINY on the other hand, is when you smoke your cigarette in a pub at the other end of town, and your dad inexplicably chooses that time to take a restroom break in the pub on his way back from office.
with fate, you had control of events, but due to your own stupidity, you got caught, were punished, etc. with destiny, you had no control of events, and so it is really not your fault you got caught.
or in other words, your fate is in your own hands, while your destiny is supposed to be pre-determined.
of course it could be argued that if there is such a thing as a man's destiny, then there must be a being that determines. it could also be argued that this being is not the right sort of being, or that the kind of power granted to him is too much for one being or... well the list of arguments goes on, and frankly, if you seek a complete list of possible answers, i suggest you go seek a theologian, or even a religious man, or for that matter, you could start praying to this GOD guy, and then if he does reply, you could start all these arguments with him, and perhaps start your own religion with the answers.
but the simple thing is, that if there is someone who writes your destiny, there is little you can do about it, or to change it.
of course if you were lucky, then that being might be corrupt, gullible, foolish or ridiculous, or in other ways likely to fall for whatever bull shit you can come up with,
but as you know, that goes against the entire argument of GODhood, and hence is to not be considered.
getting back, if there is someone who writes your destiny, then boy, you better start praying, and hope it works, coz there is little you can do.
of course, you could tell the so called GOD being to go to wherever  he wants to, ignore him altogether, and pretend that its in your control.
not likely to help much, but well...
alternately, you can believe that there is no such thing as a destiny, but rather a fate, which is again pre-determined, but by your own actions, and hence, it is in your own hands. you can then blame it all on yourself, instead of mucking about with Gods and fancy authors who seek to write your life.
but this would lead to its own set of problems. for example, you shall not be able to blame it on destiny if you fail your exams. you wont be able to blame it on destiny if you do not get a job, and so on. in fact, you will have to accept that it was all in your hands, and that you made a big time mistake. there shall instantly be accountability, and there shall be no blame game, and so you shall have to deal with acceptance, another bad concept for the weak of heart.
in the long run though, it wont make any great difference what you call it.
in the end you shall still fail, you shall still be jobless, and you shall probably still wondering whether it was your fate, or your destiny, or what!

and of course, there is the third possibility. you could call it all folly, go have a good time, and not worry about what it is all about! then, you could spend a lot of time doing whatever pleases you, without having to worry whether you were fated to or destined to.
of course, even this doesnt work in the long run, or theologians would never survive.
in fact, there is little that could work in the long run, and for more details, i sometimes practice classes in theology, religion, and beliefs, specializing in the arcane beliefs of mankind, and hence am capable of answering you. to find answers, visit me, i charge very little, and i assure you the answer shall help.

ps:now dont ask if it is fate, or destiny that you visit me. it just is, and it dont matter what it is!

PPS: i am really not getting anything right today, so i can assure you that i know this made little sense, and was hence totally random, probably had a few incorrect facts, etc. i also know that this was whatever you are currently thinking it is, and i do assure you that next time i shall not fail to dazzle.

until then, so long!

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